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Testimonials – Light Therapy

My patients who were looking for a non-invasive treatment of inflammatory conditions in the periorbital and facial area, have seen incredible improvements with the use of the EPI-C Plus® OPE® IPL & LM® LLLT. As awareness of light therapy grows, more patients are seeking it out, and the results speak for themselves. These therapies address the root causes of their discomfort, and it’s so rewarding to offer a painless solution that not only relieves symptoms, but also enhances their quality of life!

Tessa Sokol, ODOptometrist/Owner/PresidentSokol Advanced EyeCareMadison, WI

I took significant time to decide on the best light therapy device to purchase. I chose EPI-C Plus for multiple reasons. I consider it a “next-generation” light therapy system since it doesn’t require coupling gel to conduct the electrical transmission to the skin. This allows for a far greater patient experience including no clean-up of the messy gel and avoids the snapping elastic band discomfort that can occur with each pulse. I like the fact that I can treat more skin types with this IPL system and the addition of LLLT enhances the effects via a synergistic light therapy. But the main reason is the impressive results I’ve witnessed in my patients from EPI-C PLUS, which surprisingly also had significant cost savings.

Paul M. KarpeckiOD, FAAOKentucky Eye InstituteLexington, KY