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Lens Identifiers

Showing all 5 results

  • Essilor PALCHECK


    PAL engraving identifier

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  • PAL Engraving Identifier Plus

    Code: PAL-ID2

    3-in-1 Lens Inspection Station:

    • PAL identifier
    • Polariscope
    • Final inspection

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  • PAL Inspection Station Plus

    Code: PAL-ID3

    Lens Inspection Station Plus:

    • Interchangeable lenses: PAL identifier, polariscope, inspection lamp
    • Bright LED light source
    • Electric or battery operated

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  • PAL-ID Bulb

    Code: 6500KPALID

    7 watt compact fluorescent bulb

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  • PAL-ID Filter (Black with White Circle)

    Code: GL-FILT

    Black with white circle for glass lenses

    Installed shiny side up

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