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Vision-R 800 Refraction System

Entering a new era of refraction:
Give your patients the best of their vision

For many years, subjective refraction techniques have hardly changed. Today, the Vision-R 800 auto phoropter offers continuous power changes and makes refraction more precise, easier to perform for the practitioner and more comfortable for the patient.

  • Patented optical module allowing for instant focus and exact refraction, delivered by measurements up to 0.01D
  • Refraction performed with the “Smart Tests” unique algorithms to optimize the exam
  • Comfortable experience for the patient due to smooth, continuous power changes
  • Results presented in simulated real-life conditions to enhance patient confidence

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Vision-R 800 Refraction System
Vision-R 800 Refraction System

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Vision-R 800’s exclusive optical module controls powers at 0.01 D and delivers continuous and instantaneous changes of sphere, cylinder and axis, at the same time. Refraction is made more accurate and prescriptions can be made in 0.05 D steps. Patients can now get the full potential of their vision!



Thanks to its continuous and simultaneous changes of the sphere power, cylinder axis and cylinder power, Vision-R 800 phoropter enables reaching the final refraction more quickly than the traditional refraction methods. In addition, “Smart Tests” and their unique algorithms assist the practitioner in conducting the whole refraction procedure. Refraction is made both very easy and very accurate!



Smooth power changes and wider field of vision make refraction very comfortable for the patients. The procedure is shorter and no fatigue is experienced. Answers are made easier to give all along the refraction procedure. At the end, Vision-R 800 phoropter offers the opportunity to compare refractions in a customized immersive real-life scenario. A fascinating experience for the patients!


Flexible Setup

Eye care professionals can operate the phoropter up to 23 ft. away, with a cable length of 23 ft.

Removable Protection

Ability to change and clean patient contact points

Headrest and face shield are easy to remove and replace.

Limited Interaction

Vertex distance – Unique mechanism to control the vertex distance with cameras

PD alignment – Import and set PD from AKR and adjust

Evaluate from a Distance

Phoropter level – Lights indicate whether the phoropter is leveled.

Export and conversion of data – Get all the needed data with customizable export options.

thumbnail of Vision-R 800 leaflet US 07-2020 email

Vision-R 800 Leaflet

thumbnail of Vision-R 800 brochure USA 05-18 singles

Vision-R 800 Brochure

Please Contact Us for the user manual for Vision-R 800.

Vision-R 800 makes refraction too easy; it takes the art out of it. Doesn’t this lessen the value of an OD?

It does not lessen the value of the OD. It does; however, create an environment where efficiency and repeatability are much easier to accomplish. It also aids in uniformity with multiple doctors.

Does it still use the standard Jackson Cross Cylinder for checking cylinder and axis?

Yes; however, it adjusts sphere, cylinder, and axis simultaneously, and it takes every answer into consideration, including “the same” or “I don’t know.”

What is the sphere and cylinder power range?

Sphere power of +/- 20 diopters and cylinder power to 8 diopters

Can you test in the same manner as a manual phoropter?

Yes, there is a full Manual mode.

Are there programmable tests?

Yes, there is the pre-programmed Smart Test and three slots are available for custom programming.

  • Phoropters – Vision-R 700/800 Phoropter Protection Shield

    Code: V01910

    Vision-R 700/800 Protection Shield

    Easy to install and remove for regular cleaning

    Material – Plexiglass

    Clean with disinfecting wipes.

    For better fixation on VISION-R 800, use rubber seal R11.

    Full product information – Vision-R 700

    Full product information – Vision-R 800
