Neksia 550 (KAPPA Special Edition)
Our popular edger has returned! Now with high-curve capability
Neksia 550 is everything the next-generation KAPPA offers and more:
- Base curve coverage to 8, with adjustable bevel height, width and location
- High-quality finished jobs and reduced re-dos
- Greater variety of glasses dispensed via in-house edging, including those with wrap frames
- Manufactured by Essilor | CE- and UL-certified
Whether you are:
- Upgrading your existing KAPPA
- Adding to your capacity to increase production
- Doing a lot of sunglasses business

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Everything the Next-Generation KAPPA Already Offers:
- Automatic binocular tracing in 3 dimensions
- Bevel: 3D bevel preview and configurable bevel trajectory
- Grooving: configurable positioning, width and depth
- Chamfering: front face and/or back face, with a flexible chamfering wheel
- Polishing: flat and bevel
- More ergonomic centering (wide open space)
- EAS (Edging Assisted System) cycle to avoid axis deviation on fragile lenses
- 1,000-position job database
High-Curve Function Expands the Field of Possibilities:
- Base curve coverage to 8, for all materials except mineral, with adjustable bevel height, width and location
- Go for quality finished jobs instead of ill-fitted lenses and decrease the number of re-do’s.
- Dispense a greater variety of glasses in-house with wrap frames.
- To be able to trace, edge, and mount with a Neksia 550 edger, you need to add a Neksia, Mr. Orange or Mr. Blue tracer/blocker.
- For further information and specifications on the Neksia line in general, please consult the Neksia brochure.